A woman irritated with her husband snoring next to her

Does snoring have an impact on your teeth?

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Snoring is a very common issue for millions of people across the world. But did you know that snoring can affect your oral health? 

Let’s dive in to understand that snoring can have an impact on much more than just the quality of sleep of your partner.

What causes snoring?

When you sleep, if your airways get blocked by inflammation or irritation of the tissues in your nasal passage, your mouth opens wider to ease breathing. 

The sound produced by the friction between those inflamed tissues, the mucus in the nasal cavity, and your tongue is known as snoring. 

Breathing with your mouth open causes your mouth to dry up, and without any saliva there is unhealthy bacteria growth. 

Saliva helps to protect the tooth enamel against erosion because it washes away harmful bacteria, thereby preventing bad breath, tooth decay, and gum disease.

Medical experts attribute snoring to many other issues including:

  • Weight gain
  • Alcohol and tobacco use
  • Sleep apnea 
Dentist using surgical pliers to remove a decaying tooth

Effects of dry mouth caused by snoring

Whatever the reason, having a dry mouth caused by snoring makes you more likely to also suffer from:

  • Tooth decay 
  • Gingivitis (inflamed gums)
  • Mouth sores 
  • Plaque
  • Periodontal diseases 

How to avoid these dental problems

If you’re unable to resolve the issue that’s causing the snoring itself, then it’s important to stay on top of any possible dental issues that snoring can create.

Brush your teeth two times a day for at least two minutes each.  

Chewing gum is also good since it stimulates the salivary glands to increase salivation which in turn keeps teeth clean.

John V. Kelsey of the FDA’s Division of Dermatology and Dental Products recommends a dentist visit if you suffer from dry mouth since tooth decay, cavities, and pH imbalance are all a result of dry mouth. 

Snorers who suffer from dry mouth should take the following precautions to protect their teeth.

  • Avoid sweet and sugary drinks or food
  • Avoid acidic food and drinks
  • Limit the intake of alcohol or caffeine
  • Avoid very cold or very hot foods and drinks
  • Avoid spicy and dry food
  • Stay hydrated throughout the day particularly at night. Keep a bottle of water next to your bed and take a sip periodically
  • Use a humidifier while sleeping
  • Check your mouth for ulcers and patches
  • Use saliva stimulants like chewing gum
  • Brush your teeth twice a day and floss regularly
  • Visit a dentist regularly to monitor your oral health

Attempt to stop the cause of your snoring

It is evident that snoring does have an impact on your teeth. 

If you’re a regular snorer, visit a doctor to who can help you get to the root cause of your snoring. 

They might suggest corrective measures like

  • CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) therapy
  • A fitted mouthpiece
  • Minor surgery to remove the tissue at the back of your throat.

A dentist should investigate the state of your overall oral health as they will be well suited to provide advice in terms of your snoring issues.

If you’re still struggling with snoring, then contact us to make an appointment!

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