The Dos and Don’ts of Clear Aligner Maintenance

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Clear aligners have revolutionised the world of orthodontics, offering a discreet and comfortable way to achieve that perfect smile. Unlike traditional braces, clear aligners are virtually invisible and removable, but they still require a certain degree of care to ensure optimal results. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the crucial aspects of clear aligner maintenance, outlining the dos and don’ts to keep your aligners and your smile looking their best.

Whether you’re new to clear aligners or coming close to completion of your treatment, these tips are essential for maintaining good oral health and getting the most out of your orthodontic treatment.

DO: Keep Them Clean

Rinse Your Aligners Each Time You Remove Them 

Always rinse off your aligners with cool water after taking them out. This prevents dried saliva and plaque from building up, which can create a breeding ground for bacteria.

Brush and Soak Regularly 

Daily brushing of your aligners with a soft bristled toothbrush and gentle, non abrasive toothpaste is vital. Additionally, soak them according to your dentist’s recommendation, using the recommended cleaning solutions.

Maintain Good Oral Hygiene 

Before popping your aligners back in, make sure you brush and floss your teeth thoroughly to avoid trapping harmful particles against your teeth, which could lead to decay and staining.

DON’T: Expose to Heat and Harsh Chemicals

Avoid Hot Water 

Steer clear of using hot water to clean your aligners. Heat can warp the plastic mould, compromising their fit and effectiveness.

Say No to Harsh Cleaners

Harsh chemicals like bleach or abrasive toothpastes can damage your clear aligners, causing them to become dull and more visible when worn.

DO: Store Them Properly

Use a Protective Case 

Whenever you’re not wearing your aligners, make sure to store them in their protective case. This safeguards them from getting damaged or lost.

Keep Them Away from Pets and Children 

Curious pets and children can easily mistake your aligners for a toy. Keeping them securely stored will evade the risk of unexpected chew marks or misplacement.

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Transparent aligners and storage case box. Invisible braces. Clear teeth straighteners. Plastic bracers

DON’T: Eat or Drink While Wearing Them

Remove Before Meals 

Always remove your aligners before eating or drinking anything except water. Food and coloured drinks can stain your aligners and increase the risk of cavities.

Avoid Smoking 

Smoking while wearing aligners leads to discolouration and odour. Plus, it’s just bad for your overall health.

DO: Follow Your Dentist’s Instructions

Wear as Prescribed 

Wear your aligners for the recommended amount of time each day, typically 20-22 hours, only removing them to eat, drink, brush, and floss. 

Schedule Regular Check Ups 

Attend all scheduled dental appointments to monitor your progress and receive new sets of aligners as your teeth move into place.

“In my professional experience, I cannot stress enough the importance of consistent aligner maintenance for a successful treatment. Imagine your aligner as the silent partner in your journey to a perfect smile, its care is paramount. A well maintained aligner facilitates better oral health and ensures a seamless path to achieving your orthodontic goals.” – Dr. Jenni Tippmann, iSmile Dental Centre

DON’T: Neglect Signs of Discomfort

Don’t Ignore Persistent Discomfort 

While some discomfort is normal, sharp pain or persistent discomfort should not be ignored. Contact your dental professional if you experience this.

Don’t Force Them Back In 

If your aligners don’t fit after being out of your mouth, don’t force them. Consult with your dentist to ensure your treatment plan is on track.

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Taking proper care of your clear aligners is just as important as the alignment process itself. These dos and don’ts serve as a guide to maintain your aligners and ensure your journey to a straighter smile is both effective and hygienic.

Remember, the beauty of a smile goes beyond just aesthetics; it’s about nurturing your oral health too. With these maintenance tips in mind, you’ll be well on your way to achieving and preserving a healthy, confident smile.

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Are you ready to start your journey to the smile that you’ve always wanted? Get in touch with iSmile Dental for a free consultation today. Get a no obligation quote, treatment plan and any  questions you have answered.

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